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© BIFOLD / Felix Noak
Earth Observation| March 19, 2024

Smart Sky: Transforming Earth Observation through AI

Through three engaging lectures, scientists from NASA, the Planetarium Berlin, and BIFOLD explained the significance of satellite images and modern AI techniques.

© Unsplash
Cyber Security| March 11, 2024

Project Launch AIgenCY

With the innovative research project "AIgenCY - Opportunities and Risks of Generative AI in Cybersecurity," leading experts from academia and industry take on the challenge of exploring the implications of generative artificial intelligence (AI) for cybersecurity.

© Unsplash
Machine Learning| March 05, 2024

Sustainable Federated Learning

Federated Learning is expected to further increase the power consumption of machine learning, which is already recognized as one of the most energy-intensive computational applications today. However, due to its distributed nature, Federated Learning also offers new opportunities to align this demand with the availability of green energy.

© BIFOLD/Felix Noak
Big Data Engineering BIFOLD Update| March 01, 2024

Welcome Prof. Dr. Ziawasch Abedjan

As of March 1, 2024, BIFOLD welcomes a new Research Group Lead in Berlin: Prof. Dr. Ziawasch Abedjan heads the new chair for Data Integration and Data Preparation. In particular, he develops new algorithms for the automatic preparation, extraction, and cleaning of datasets for data science workflows.

© Gesundheitsstadt Berlin e.V.
BIFOLD Update| February 29, 2024

x-cardiac receives digitization award

Artificial intelligence-based platform for clinical decision support and digital health in intensive care units - x-cardiac - receives digitization award 

BIFOLD Update| February 28, 2024

DIMA-DAMS Annual Retreat

The three-day retreat was aimed at discussing the research results and ongoing work of doctoral students in the BIFOLD Data Systems Lab: currently, comprised of the Database Systems and Information Management (DIMA) and Big Data Engineering (DAMS) groups.

Explainable AI| February 23, 2024

Call for XAI-Papers!

Two research groups associated with BIFOLD take part in the organization of the 2nd World Conference on Explainable Artificial Intelligence. Each group is hosting a special track and has already published a Call for Papers. Researchers are encouraged to submit their papers by March 5th, 2024.

© BIFOLD/Felix Noak
Graduate School| February 19, 2024

BIFOLD Graduate School Welcomes New Cohort

The BIFOLD Graduate School warmly greeted its latest cohort of doctoral candidates during the Welcome Days event. Ten exceptional scholars were selected from over 100 applicants to pursue their research journey.

© Marco Schilling
BIFOLD Update| January 26, 2024

Hector Science Award for Klaus-Robert Müller

In 2024, the prestigious Hector Science Prize, endowed with 150,000 Euros, has been awarded to  Klaus-Robert Müller, Professor at TU Berlin and Director of the Berlin Institute for the Foundations of Learning and Data (BIFOLD).  

BIFOLD Update| January 11, 2024

Photo recap: BIFOLD New Year's reception

At its New Year's reception BIFOLD welcomed a series of distinguished guests and friends from Berlin's AI community.