“KI ist was es isst”: Prof. Dr. Ziawasch Abedjan on Data Quality at TU Berlin

The “Tag der Lehre” (Teaching Day) is organized annually at the Technical University of Berlin. This year's motto was “Alles KI?!”. After a short welcome by Christian Schröder, Vice President for Studies and Teaching at the TU Berlin, the keynote speech by BIFOLD Research Group Lead Prof. Dr. Ziawasch Abedjan followed. In his talk “KI ist was es isst,” Prof. Abedjan focused on the quality of training data. The accuracy of artificial intelligence applications, especially those based on machine learning methods, mainly depends on the quality of the underlying training data. Good data lead to better predictions and less effort. To prove this thesis, Prof. Abedjan provided insights into his research in scalable and automatic data cleaning for data quality assurance.
Prof. Dr. Ziawasch Abedjan has joined BIFOLD as Research Group Lead of the Data Integration and Data Preparation group in March 2024. In particular, he develops new algorithms for the automatic preparation, extraction, and cleaning of datasets for data science workflows. You can find more information here.