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Forum AI & Quantum Computing


September 17, 2024 Icon 16:00 - 19:00


Merantix AI Campus Berlin, Max-Urich-Straße 3, 13355 Berlin

The Artificial Intelligence & Quantum Computing forum deals with the following topics:

  • Machine Learning and Deep Learning: The basics of AI and the application of neural networks in various scenarios.
  • Applications of AI: Practical examples and success stories from various industries and application areas.
  • Ethics and AI: The discussion on ethical issues related to AI, including privacy, bias and accountability.
  • Quantum computing: Fundamentals, state of the art, use cases and future potential.
  • QAI: The connection between quantum computing and artificial intelligence and how these technologies are changing our understanding of computation and problem solving.
  • Collaborative research: The promotion of research collaborations and cooperation between industry and science.


Further information