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Data Management| June 26, 2024

DEBS 2024 - Keynote by Volker Markl

Lyon, France will host the 18th ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event-Based Systems (DEBS) from June 25 to 28, 2024. BIFOLD Director Volker Markl is honored to offer a keynote on data stream processing.

Data Management| June 13, 2024

BIFOLD Researchers receive three SIGMOD Awards

Each year SIGMOD conference awards are bestowed on researchers who have especially contributed to the field of data management. In 2024 BIFOLD researchers were honored to receive three awards.

Data Management| June 09, 2024

BIFOLD at the 2024 ACM SIGMOD/PODS Conference

BIFOLD researchers presented four research papers, two demos, one workshop paper and were of a panel at the 2024 ACM SIGMOD/ PODS Conference in Santiago, Chile.

Earth Observation| June 04, 2024

Videos of the "ML& DM for Earth Observation" Workshop

The videos from the "Machine Learning and Data Management for Earth Observation" workshop are now accessible online. During the workshop leading experts discussed cutting-edge advancements in satellite technology, machine learning, and data management. Explore or review 12 compelling sessions.

Data Management| April 29, 2024

BIFOLD papers accepted at the CVPR and ESWC 2024

The BIFOLD research project "Unified Processing Model for Distributed Stream Reasoning" released two preprints on Open Distributed Systems, which will be presented at the CVPR 2024 and ESWC 2024 conferences.

Orji Joseph / unsplash
BIFOLD Update| April 22, 2024

“POLAR” lowers the adoption barrier for adaptive query processing in database systems

A preprint by BIFOLD researchers titled "POLAR: Adaptive and Non-invasive Join Order Selection via Plans of Least Resistance" is set to be presented at the VLDB conference in 2024. The database engineering paper introduces a technique for reordering joins that is adaptive, with a focus on non-invasive integration and low overhead. 

Data Management| March 25, 2024

EDBT conference 2024

The EDBT conference 2024 took place from March 25 to 28. BIFOLD researchers presented three papers at this Core-A conference on databases: "Benchmarking Stream Join Algorithms on GPUs: A Framework and its Application to the State of the Art", "Bridging the Gap: Complex Event Processing on Stream Processing Engines", and “Evaluation of Sampling Methods for Discovering Facts from Knowledge Graph Embeddings”. 

BIFOLD Update| February 28, 2024

DIMA-DAMS Annual Retreat

The three-day retreat was aimed at discussing the research results and ongoing work of doctoral students in the BIFOLD Data Systems Lab: currently, comprised of the Database Systems and Information Management (DIMA) and Big Data Engineering (DAMS) groups.

© BIFOLD/Felix Noak
Graduate School| February 19, 2024

BIFOLD Graduate School Welcomes New Cohort

The BIFOLD Graduate School warmly greeted its latest cohort of doctoral candidates during the Welcome Days event. Ten exceptional scholars were selected from over 100 applicants to pursue their research journey.

BIFOLD Update| January 11, 2024

Photo recap: BIFOLD New Year's reception

At its New Year's reception BIFOLD welcomed a series of distinguished guests and friends from Berlin's AI community.