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BIFOLD Update| September 06, 2023

First Neuroscience of the Everyday World Conference

From August 29th to 30th the "Neuroscience of the Everyday World" conference convened neuroscientists, researchers and experts to discuss the challenges and opportunities of continuous, multimodal brain measurements in naturalistic environments. The conference was organized, among others, by BIFOLD Research grouplead Dr. Alexander von Lühmann.

Data Management| September 05, 2023

VLDB honors NebulaStream demo

A perfect conclusion for the BIFOLD team at VLDB 2023 in Vancouver: The Nebula Stream team received an honorable mention for the best demo. In total, eleven researchers from the team of BIFOLD director Volker Markl participated in VLDB 2023 in Vancouver, one of the most important database conferences worldwide.

© P. Tözün
Big Data Engineering| August 28, 2023

Professor Dr. Pinar Tözün joins BIFOLD as a Visiting Scientist

Beginning on August 28, 2023, Professor Tözün will join BIFOLD as a Visiting Scientist. Above all, she will collaborate with Prof. Dr. Matthias Böhm and the Big Data Engineering group.

© BMBF/Hans-Joachim Rickel
Explainable AI| August 20, 2023

Gazing into the Black Box AI

Experts from Fraunhofer HHI and BIFOLD showcased an AI-assisted image evaluation technique at the BMBF Open Day. The demonstration gave an example of how Artificial Intelligence arrives at its decisions and sparked a dialogue on Explainable AI between professionals and attendees. Thanks to everyone who joined us in Berlin.

© iStock
August 14, 2023

Adversarial Papers: New attack fools AI-supported text analysis

Security researchers have found significant vulnerabilities in learning algorithms used for text analysis: With the help of a novel attack, they were able to show that topic recognition algorithms can be fooled by even small changes in words, sentences and references. 

© European Space Agengy (ESA)
Earth Observation| August 10, 2023

DA4DTE: Pioneering Satellite Data Archives with a Revolutionary Digital Assistant

Demonstrator Precursor Digital Assistant Interface for Digital Twin Earth (DA4DTE) is a project by the European Space Agency (ESA) that aims to simplify the usage of satellite data archives. A BIFOLD research group led by Prof. Dr. Begüm Demir has been pivotal in developing three of the four search engines featured in the digital assistant.

Federal Foreign Office Germany Willkommen AI Berlin
BIFOLD Update| July 10, 2023

BIFOLD welcomes Israel delegation

Among other institutions the BIFOLD hosted a delegation from Israeli universities as part of Germany's "Willkommen" Visitors Programme. Various BIFOLD researchers gave a short introduction to their research foci in AI. The “Willkommen” programme invites opinion leaders to experience Germany and gain a nuanced understanding of the country.

8 researchers represented BIFOLD at SIGMOD 2023
Data Management| June 26, 2023

8 researchers represented BIFOLD at SIGMOD 2023

Eight members of the BIFOLD team took the chance to showcase their recent work at SIGMOD 2023 in Seattle through a diverse array of presentations, including research papers, workshop papers, and a demo paper – all of them underscoring the institute's commitment to cutting-edge research in the field of data management. 

© IT University of Copenhagen
BIFOLD Update| June 21, 2023

In Memoriam

It is with deep sadness and regret that we must acknowledge the sudden death of our former colleague and friend Jorge-Arnulfo Quiané-Ruiz. He is and will forever be sorely missed. Our thoughts and prayers are with his wife Zoi Kaoudi, his four children, and his loved ones.

Corals sitting in the shelf
© BIFOLD/T.Rosenberg
Artist in Residence| June 05, 2023

The swan song of the corals

The installation CORALS by BIFOLD Artist in Residence Marco Barotti addresses the effects of climate change using coral reefs as an example. With the help of machine learning models, the artist modulates satellite data and shapes it into a mystical tapestry of sound.