BOL Symposium
The second joint symposium of the Berlin Open Lab and the Hybrid Platform is taking place on January 26, 2023. In the morning, researchers from the Charlottenburg Campus will present their findings, followed by Q&As giving the opportunity to deepen topics and ask questions. After the lunch break, tours of the BOL using prototypes provide further immersion into the research.
Among others BIFOLD artist in residence Marco Barotti will be presenting prototypes of his new artwork "Corals" and answer questions.
More information here.
Registration is requested:
- 09:00 h: Welcoming
- 09:15 h: Space and Sustainability | Keynotes and Q&A
- 10:50 h: Sound and Movement | Keynotes and Q&A
- 11:45 h: Education and Empowerment | Keynotes and Q&A
- 13:30 h: Hands on Session | Projects by BOL, HCBC and BIFOLD
- 16:00 h: Performance »robotic worship«