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Triton Join: Efficiently Scaling to a Large Join State on GPUs with Fast Interconnects

Clemens Lutz
Sebastian Breß
Steffen Zeuch
Tilmann Rabl
Volker Markl


Database management systems are facing growing data volumes. Previous research suggests that GPUs are well-equipped to quickly process joins and similar stateful operators, as GPUs feature high-bandwidth on-board memory. However, GPUs cannot scale joins to large data volumes due to two limiting factors: (1)~large state does not fit into the on-board memory, and (2)~spilling state to main memory is constrained by the interconnect bandwidth. Thus, CPUs are often the better choice for scalable data processing.

In this paper, we propose a new join algorithm that scales to large data volumes by taking advantage of fast interconnects. Fast interconnects such as NVLink~2.0 are a new technology that connect the GPU to main memory at a high bandwidth, and thus enable us to design our join to efficiently spill its state. Our evaluation shows that our Triton join outperforms a no-partitioning hash join by more than 100× on the same GPU, and a radix-partitioned join on the CPU by up to 2.5×. As a result, GPU-enabled DBMSs are able to scale beyond the GPU memory capacity.